Just finished up the second leg of our regional shooting with the Eastern Region Little League Baseball Tournament. We experienced some of the best weather for baseball since we started shooting the regional tournaments in 2005 In the Mid-Atlantic bracket, the team from Red Line LL, Pennsylvania lived up to the hype of being an […]
2015 Eastern Region Little League Softball Tournament
We had the pleasure this past week of shooting the 2015 Eastern Region Little League Softball Tournament in Bristol, Connecticut. As always, we became immersed in the experience. Since our first girls regional back in 2005 when the tournament was held in Albany, we have always looked forward to this week. The chants, the excitement, […]
SJSM 11-12 Williamsport All-Stars Kick Off the Summer…
The road to Williamsport starts in St. James with LiSPN. The St. James-Smithtown 11-12 All-Stars started their journey to Williamsport with an 8-2 victory over Sayville. This was a true team effort! LiSPN will be on hand to photograph the 9-10 and 10-11 teams as well. LiSPN is the official photographer of the East Region […]
LiSPN’s Year in Photos- 2014
It has been a great year at LiSPN and we have the photos to prove it! Special thanks go out to all the parents, coaches, and players that made 2014 our best year ever. Looking forward to seeing everyone on the fields in 2015!
2014 Little League Eastern Region Girls Tournament Concludes
NJ Repeats! For the second year in a row, the girls from Robbinsville Little League will represent the East Region in the Little League Softball World Series in Portland, Oregon. Returning battery mates, Mackenzie Medders and catcher, Shea Walsh held the opposition from Exton, PA to two runs in securing the 3-2 victory. For two […]
Looking for a HS or 8th Grade Graduation Gift?
Hard to believe that in less than one month we will be gearing up for summer vacation. We would like to take the time to remind our Smithtown students and their parents that ALL action galleries from the 2013-14 school year will be expiring at the end of June. If you haven’t done so already, […]
2014 Lax Season is Underway…
Spent a great day out at Riverhead yesterday shooting LAX action. Here are some shots from the afternoon.
2013 East Regional Tournaments Conclude!
It was a great week three weeks of fun in the sun in Bristol, CT for the 2013 East Region Little League Tournaments. Congratulations to Newark Little League from Delaware and Westport Little League from Connecticut who will be representing our regions with class at the Little League World Series starting on Thursday. Be sure […]
East Region Little League Softball Tournament- Days 1 and 2
It has been a great start to the tournament here in Bristol, CT. Despite the hot and humid weather, the girls are playing hard and giving in their all. Our days have been long and hard, but it has been worth it. Here are some of our favorite images thus far!
LiSPN is Bristol Bound!
LiSPN will be out of the office the next two weeks covering the 2013 LL Regional Tournaments in Bristol, CT. Be sure to check here often for our periodic blogs on the regional tournament teams and their journey to the World Series. Games will be starting this Friday so stay tuned! Any orders from our […]